Sunday, August 8, 2010


One of my favorite sounds.


It's the sound I hear at random times after I've been canning. It's the sound the lids make after the filled-with-yumminess-jars have been processed. PING!!!! means the jar has officially sealed and will safely sit down on our "Sams shelves" for well over a year until we open it and taste its yumminess.

Today: 14 pints of salsa. It's just the beginning...


  1. This is marvelous Tess. Rminds me of Mom who used to say the same thing. She'd sit in the kitchen when she was done canning for the day to hear all the pings. Thanks for the memory. Love to all, Julie

  2. I like this one too! I love that noise!

  3. I didn't know that Arlyce had enjoyed that noise too! Thanks for letting me know. I'll think of her when I hear the PING!!!! and know she's enjoying it too.

  4. I've never heard that noise, but it sounds very nice. Why do you call your shelves "Sam's?" Because there are lots of jars? Jars in bulk?

  5. The Sam's shelves began way before I was canning. We always put the things we bought in bulk at Sam's Club on them. They are now used to store all of the things I can. They've just never lost their name. :-)
